Berry Bonds was chosen first due to his average of 4.64 homeruns his season.
A While on the other hand, Hank Aaron had an average of 32. 82 homeruns.
Alex Rodriguez had an average of 28.7 home runs.
And Baby Ruth had an average of 32.7 homeruns.
That pretty much sums up how I calculated who in my opinion is “greatness”. I calculated up all their information, found out the different quartiles, median, average, etc. And thought it would be more reasonable to depend on the averages.
dfasj dfjadslk;fjadskl;f kads;l fkadsl;jfka;dsl jfklads; jfadjfliads; fkl;ads jflkads;j fkladsjf lads;fj kads;lf dasfj ads;lfj ads;fj kads;lfj kads;lf lkads;kjfkl;adsj fkl;ads jfklads;j f;adsklfjklads; flkadsf lads;jf lk;adsjf klads; fjkladsjf lads; jfklads; jflkadsj fl;adsjf klads;j flkdsaj fldsak fjl;dasj fladsk;jf ads;ljf al;sf kasl;dj fkl;dsjf kladsfj klads fjakds;lfj adsl;kfj adslk;f jadsj; In my very own opinion, according to my data, how I calculated who I chose to be the Top 4 players in order of “Greatness,” I looked at their mean/average depending on their homeruns that they’ve made dhuaedefv cdedlscvthroughout their season. In my case, in order, I chose, Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron, Alex Rodriguez, and Babe