Being the newly emerging economies, the BASIC Group (Brazil, South Africa, India and China), we recognize climate change and global warming and are willing to reduce our greenhouse gas emission in order to ensure that we are building a low-carbon economy and have a sustainable development for the future.
In the next 100 years there will be an increase in average global temperature between 1.8 °C and 4.0 ºC. Moreover, the average sea level will rise between 0.18 m and 0.59 m. These climate changes cause an increase in the number of extreme events, decreased rainfall in the North, rising temperatures in the Midwest, drought in the Northeast, increasing extremes of drought, rain and temperature in the Southeast and increased rainfall in the South, but with high evaporation from the heat; which can significantly affect human activity and terrestrial ecosystems.
We believe that the Protocol is the essential key to making a meaning full impact on climate change and it was our distinct honor to work in partnership with other countries to mitigate climate change and we wish to establish a legally-binding second commitment period of Kyoto protocol and it should be an eight-year period from 2013 to 2020.
The Body:
Being the largest greenhouse gas emitters in the world, as we are still under economic development because we are developing and newly emerging countries, it is very hard to cut down the emission level of greenhouse gas. However, we tried to combine economic growth with measures that are climate-friendly, both directly and indirectly.
For example, deforestation is the main factor for the emissions of greenhouse gases, so they have strategies to reduce it. Also, Chinese government has set the target for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. This is a voluntary action China has taken in the light of its national circumstances. And for Brazil, they have set targets to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases between 36% and 39% by 2020.