PSY325: Statistics for Behavioral and Social Sciences
Basic Psychology Theories
Craig Derror
In this paper I am going to discuss the basic fundamentals when it comes to psychology and some other known essential key points. The five main categories of theories are Neuroscience, Psychodynamic, Behavioral, Cognitive, and Humanistic. Each category contains a very large history scaling all the way back to when Hippocrates or Aristotle roamed the earth. Once the category has been established I will give an example of how it relates to a specific event, then my opinion vs. the subject. After the main categorical perspectives have been discussed I will break off into how the scientific process works and some essential understanding of normal vs. abnormal psychology. Finally I will then conclude the essay with my own breakdown of my thoughts and beliefs on the subject. The first Perspective is called Neuroscience which basically views behavior from a perspective of biological functioning. What I mean by that is Neuroscience devotes its views to a scientific study of the nervous system. It 's pretty much also viewed as a form of biological study on the brain and mind. It breaks down how we are our father’s son or mother’s daughter and how we are a replica of our parent’s image. The genes that were handed down before us lay a foundation for us to live and act by. If one’s parent were to have a hereditary disease then it would state the disease would have a high probability of being passed onto the child. Some of the fields that helped us understand neuroscience more was molecular biology, neural networks, and computational neuroscience. Molecular biology is the study of molecules under the interactions inside the various systems within a cell including how DNA, RNA, and protein biosynthesis cooperate. Neural networks are the branches of biological neurons with the body. Lastly computational neuroscience combines all sorts of research in
Bibliography: Josep M Rosanas (2008). Beyond Economic Criteria: A Humanistic Approach to Organizational Survival. Journal of Business Ethics, 78(3), 447-462. Retrieved February 25, 2008, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1427633051). Mark Hunter (2007, October). Therapy by computer. Community Care,(1696), 24-25. Retrieved February 25, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Complete database. (Document ID: 1386424551). John G Gunderson (2007). Alternative Perspectives on Psychodynamic Psychotherapy of Borderline Personality Disorder: The Case of "Ellen". The American Journal of Psychiatry, 164(9), 1333-9. Retrieved February 25, 2008, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1329949981). Ronald P Villarreal, Joseph E Steinmetz. (2005). NEUROSCIENCE AND LEARNING: LESSONS FROM STUDYING THE INVOLVEMENT OF A REGION OF CEREBELLAR CORTEX IN EYEBLINK CLASSICAL CONDITIONING. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 84(3), 631-52. Retrieved February 25, 2008, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1005822921). Patrick Tucker (2008). Fighting the Urge to Fight the Urge. The Futurist, 42(2), 11. Retrieved February 25, 2008, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1423350291).