Roberta Parker
June 10, 2011
Dr. Julie Wilson
Research Statistics and Psychology Paper
Research plays a major role in psychology, which research is understood through statistics. Psychologists depend on research to understand theories and to understand how people behave, think, and feel. Research needs to be organized to be understood by psychologists; therefore statistics help organize the information and make the connection between the research and group of people. A strong connection exists between research, statistics, and psychology, which helps others understand how, parts of psychology because the information is broken down. “Psychologists use statistical methods to help them make sense of the numbers they collect when conducting research,” (Aron, Aron, & Coups, 2009 p.2).
Research can be done on many parts of life to understand how an individual behaves and ranging to understanding how a vehicle works. Research is defined as an experiment or scientific study done to gain information about the topic.
Look around statistics are everywhere. At home, in the car, at the grocery store and even where you work. Most people do not think that statistics play a part in just about everything you do from figuring out your weekly budget to figuring out the gas mileage for your car. Statistics also play a role in research that is done. One thing to remember though any statistics are just estimates on any given subject, it does not necessarily mean that what the statistics say will actually take place. It seems that statistics are like most things a matter of perception. According to the dictionary the definition of statistics is the collection, classification, analysis and interpretation of number facts or data, which uses theories of probability to determine the order and regularity. (2011 This would be the more technical term, however a more easy to understand definition is a