Agrippina was the mother of the Emperor Nero. Her influence on politics and her ambition dates back to his birth and spans till the time her powers began to decrease, and eventual assassination in 59 AD. Nero was 17 at the time he succeeded Claudius. In the early years of his reign, Agrippina held great influence over her son and political affairs. However her downfall began in his inaugural address, when she was indirectly denounced by Nero, who later began to rely on others, such as Seneca, Burrus and Poppaea Sabina.…
The enormous favours that he heaped on them at the beginning of his reign has a political purpose…
Roman society from republican times through to the empire worked on a system of “patronage”. Patron- client relationships existed through all levels of roman society. A patron was expected to assist his clients and their relatives by advancing their careers. In return the client had to support and further the cause of the patron, often giving them gifts. The system of patronage was particularly important for noble families of Rome, and as can be seen by Agrippina, the women of the imperial household could exert their influence as patrons. Throughout the reign of Claudius, and in the early years of her sons reign, Agrippina placed some of her clients into key positions. In AD49 used her influence with Claudius to have Seneca recalled from exile and give position as Praetor. She helped Seneca as she wanted him to tutor her son. Another of Agrippina’s Protégés was Burrus, Tacitus argues that she wanted to “remove the commanders of the guard, Lucius Geta and Rufrus Crispinus, whom she regarded as to loyal the memory and the cause of ….. Messalina children.” So Agrippina asserted to Claudius that the guard was split by their rivalry and that unified control Agrippina would mean stricter discipline , whereupon the patron client command was transferred Burrus, who was a distinguished solider but fully aware whose initiative was behind the appointment.”…
The Rape of Lucretia is a legend that was important to the Romans. It was a tragedy about a Roman matron woman who commits suicide. The story is important because it expresses the role of married women in the Roman civilization. It describes what behavior the Romans considered appropriate for a typical Roman wife. From reading this excerpt from the History of Rome, one learns that a women’s worth is based on their virtue, men considered their wives as possessions, and rape enraged the Roman population.…
In this project I am investigating how Empress Theodora become so powerful, what ways did she use? The author of The Secret History, the only source of information about Theodora, was named Procopius. He was a great historian of the Byzantine Empire, who was born in Caesarea on the coast of Palestine in 500 A.D., and died around 565 A.D. After his death, only two other books written by Procopius were found: History of the Wars and Buildings. The Secret History was originally written in Latin, published by Niccolo Alamanni in 1632, and translated into English by G.A. Williamson in 1996. Procopius has very negative things to say about Empress Theodora. He felt disdain towards her and her husband, Justinian. Even though he worked with them, he…
Tacitus stated that Agrippina’s “passion to acquire wealth was unbounded”. This is indeed indicative of the general consensus of ancient sources toward her, with greed, manipulation and ambition forming the central tenets of her character. Her marriages played a central role in fulfilling her idealistic goals, in the process, propelling her into the public consciousness.…
death/Murder, Agrippina was suspected of slandering Octavia and Nero arranged her to be out of…
Agrippina was related to the Claudian ‘gens’, one of the oldest and most illustrious patrician families with imperial connections. Her father Germanicus had risen through the cursus honoroum to two consulships and the proconsulships of Germany and Gaul. Germanicus’s brother was the brother was the future Claudian emperor, Claudius. Agrippina’s family lineage was therefore immensely prestigious. Her mother is quoted twice by Tacitus asserting her descent from the blood of the divine Augustus. According to revisionist Barret, Agrippina would have learnt from her mother in her formative years a powerful sense of her important place in the scheme of things.…
Agrippina the Younger was an Empress. Her rank in Roman society was higher than that of her husband, as she was the sister of an emperor, Caligula. Because she was so high up, she was allowed to attend senate meetings and watch and listen behind a curtain. Agrippina murdered and deceived many people throughout her life. The first of these was her second husband, who it is suspected Agrippina poisoned. She then convinced Claudius, her Uncle to marry her, in order that her son, Nero, would become Emperor. Just 4 years after her marriage to Claudius, she murdered him so that Nero became the Emperor of Rome.…
He killed his mother, step-brother and two wives, but did he? He killed the Christians and many senates, but did he? He burnt Rome and built his palace upon the burnt remains of the city, but did he? Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus or more known as Rome’s youngest emperor, Nero. He rose into power and became the ruler of the world's largest, most powerful and dominant empire; the Roman Empire, only at the age of 17. His mother; Agrippina the Younger is known to be the main reason behind his imperial power, as her desires to control were fulfilled through her control of him, thus she was indirectly ruling the Empire through her young son. Moreover, Rome’s new young and loved emperor was soon hated and blamed for many crimes that he may or may not…
One main thing people in this world strive and desire for is power. It’s what strongly drives humans to make themselves feel privileged. In the play, Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, Portia is a character that seems to struggle to free herself from the power of her husband, Brutus. In addition, to being a woman, she is viewed at differently and treated differently than men. Women are the weak figures of the world and hold different responsibilities than of men.…
Agnodice’s legacy is a very peculiar one, and whether it is true or not has been debated over and over, time and time again. Any and everything we know about her life comes from the Latin author, Gaius Julius Hyginus. He wrote her story in his collection titled, “Fabulae”, which is the only surviving record of her existence. Fabulae roughly translated can mean “fable” or “story”, hinting that Hyginus’ accounts of Agnodice’s life and accomplishments have a possibility of being fictional. Even the name, Agnodice, translated from Ancient Greek means “chaste before justice.” This is another reason some believe that Agnodice is a mythical character created by Hyginus, as giving such characters names that coincide with their tale was done commonly…
Clytemnestra, a very prevalent character in Aeschlyus’ play Agamemnon, stands as a center point among the most famous speeches in the history of Greek literature. Breaking with the traditions of other plays written during this time period, Clytemnestra wields considerable political power during the time period in which women were sidelines from affairs of the state. Possessing a “male strength heart,” as stated by the watchmen in the beginning of the play, Clytemnestra not only is able to attain political control but she also has the ability to deceive those that surround her. The chorus makes the queen’s deceiving ways apparent to the audience when noting to the Herald not to take everything Clytemnestra says at face-value, for they have learned…
The reign of Tiberius ( 42 B.C- 37 A.D) is a particularly important one for the Principate, since it was the first occasion when the powers designed for Augustus alone were exercised by somebody else. In contrast to the approachable and polite Augustus, Tiberius emerges from written and archaeological sources as a mysterious and darkly complex figure, intelligent and sneaky. Tacitus refers to Tiberius as a “villainous emperor.” (Tacitus, Annals) His severe depression and dark moods had a great impact on his political career as well as his personal relationships. He contributed to significant political, social, legal and military developments; he became involved with both domestic and foreign diplomacy as well as building programs which all aided his significance within the Roman Empire during his reign.…
However, even with disadvantages in status, citizenship, and education, women were sometimes able to influence the political system. In China, women of the imperial family often played an important role in politics, usually listening behind a screen so that they didn’t distract the men from negotiating, but telling their husbands their opinions later that night. In Rome, women weren’t allowed in places of political debate, but there were several notable women who gained a reasonable amount of power from affecting politics in the only ways available to them: birth, marriage, or murder. A legendary example would be Tullia who lived in circa 500 BC. She was the daughter of a very early Roman king, but conspired with her husband to kill her father. After she ran over her father in a carriage, her husband became the next king of Rome. (Padgett) There are various examples like this throughout Roman history: women whispering and plotting where men paid no attention, but forever changing the history of Rome with changes in kings and…