The Battle of 73 Easting was a battle fought in Iraq approximately 50 miles east of Al Busayyah between United States Army’s 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment and the Tawakalna Division from the elite Iraqi Republican Guard during the Gulf War period. The battle occupied the date of 26 February, 1991. The battle didn’t last very long but compared to the intensity it seemed like days. The main unit involved on the U.S. side was Eagle Troop, 2nd Squadron, 2nd ACR, but other 2nd ACR Troops, Iron, Killer, and Ghost Troop, had joined the fighting at 73 Easting as well. I chose this battle because Major General H.R. McMaster then Eagle Troops Commanding Officer is Fort Bening, GA’s Commanding General and he personally came and spoke to our Tank Company about this battle and its importance in the future. I will give an analysis of the battle, describing the conditions the battle was fought in, the mission, the action of the battle, and lessons learned from the battle.
Just as Eagle Troop thought they were going to get chance to face the enemy they received orders to change the orientation of their defense to the east and Captain McMaster thought his Troop would be cheated out of an opportunity to meet the enemy on the flat open dessert land that was perfect for a mechanized battle, a Tankers dream. The orders were relayed to the Platoon Leaders and the Troops and reassured that they have to remain prepared to be able to defend or attack at a moment’s notice.
The Troops were repositioned to support the new defensive sector and a scout platoon consisting of six Bradley’s and 30 Soldiers were positioned forward close to Fox Troops line. Just as everything was moved into position a platoon reported “contact east, three MTLB’s” and then all of the guidance given by their commander was paying off by being prepared and ready to attack at a moment’s notice. MG McMaster jumped into his tank with his crew along with the other tank
References: McMaster, H.R. (1991, February). Battle of 73 Easting. "Ghost Troop, Battle at 73 Easting." Crowley, Vince, Armor, May-June 1991, VOL C, #3 The 2nd ACR at the Battle of 73 Easting." Davis, 1LT Daniel L., Field Artillery Journal, PB 6-92-2, Apr 92, Pg 48. Biddle, S. (1996, Fall). Victory Misunderstood: What the Gulf War Tell Us About the Future of Conflict. International Security, 21(2).