Question 1: What do you think of the way that management team handled the reorganization of the sales organization?
The reorganization was intended to merge the region’s four sales forces into one. I believe that Bausch & Lomb should have handled this reorganization with an open book policy. In the first phase of Stronger As One, Bausch & Lomb informed employees that they were making changes, but failed to give them any detailed information about how this reorganization would affect them. Without open communication, employees often feel left out in the dark and begin fearing for their jobs and sometimes even looking for alternative employment. Bausch & Lomb risked having high turnover during this time and were fortunate that this did not affect them like it could have. Bausch & Lomb also challenged six senior sales Vice President’s to develop the new sales structure. Bausch & Lomb didn’t give them much more information other then the need for the company to become Stronger As One. This could have been handled using a brain storming session with a slew of employees from different departments and levels.