Managerial Interviews (three presentations = three projects)
Projects 6 through 8 are Managerial Interviews
Interview three people in management working for different organizations, on three separate occasions.
Focus on their planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, and their STYLE of management.
Be sure to spend a few minutes informing your interview participant about the five schools of management style so they can give you informed responses!
Be sure to spend a few minutes informing your interview participant about motivational theories & models so they can give you informed responses!
Please use these questions IN ADDITION to YOUR OWN Questions. (For Brenda A.
1. What …show more content…
business do you work for? Big Chef Inc.
2. What is your position and how long have you had it? Manager – 4 years
3. How many people work under you? 50 employees
4. What is your management style? Use variety of methods mostly Administrative, also behavior because of coordinating people and effectively dealing with issues that arises in the work environment.
5. Which school of management do you relate to the most? Administrative school of management
Do you hold company meetings? Yes
7. What do you do for planning? I write a list of topics that need to be covered and go over it with the other managers so that we are on the same page for the meeting.
8. What do you do for organizing? Reports are gathering off the computer, people fill in a log on events that happen at work that I read and by word of mouth.
9. What do you do for controlling? Check to see that everybody’s paperwork is complete. Example you have system in place that double check to make sure that work is done right and is complete- Till sheets is an example of a needed item to be double checked.
10. What do you do for leading? I train people in, so I be in leading by example and showing them how to do the job correctly with patience and little humor don’t hurt and makes for a good working environment.
11. What is the key to management success? Not MICRO-MANAGING. Everybody is going to make mistakes!!!!! Pointing it out in a learning method instead of a scolding them about it or criticizing.
12. What social responsibilities does your company feel are the most important? What is done to satisfy those responsibilities? Our company support children sport and medical benefit so they can raise money for a person in the community fight a health issue. Our company donates funds, food, and gift certificate for supporting those …show more content…
Do you feel your business is an ethically sound one? Why or why not? Yes, because the owner of the company would give the shirt off his back to help any of his employees.
14. What is the hardest part of management in your mind? Dealing with one of the other managers to see the big picture instead looking at a small issue need to look at how it affects the big picture of the company overall.
15. Do you ever envision yourself as one of your workers? If so does this help you manage your workers better? Yes, that’s why I do their jobs sometimes so I can see what problems they may have in doing their job.
16. What do you see when you look at yourself through the eyes of a "subordinate"? I am very task oriented and goal directed may be looked at as somewhat intimidating at times to others, it is something to I need to work at because I become focused on my job and how things should be done. It is important to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses and how others see you and work on them.
17. What are your views on affirmative action? Does your company follow its requirements?
The company follows the requirements, but I feel affirmative action has been take to far it shouldn’t be based on percentage but on
18. Are you a part of the selection process at your company? What do you do? Yes, I do the screening through the application interviewing and the hiring of the employment for Big Chef and I also do the detection for the employee theft. The owner of the business does all the firing which we have not needed to do much of because we have been very selective in trying to make sure we have a good fit with the position.
19. What do you do to motivate your employees? Best motivation is to see their ideas implemented into the company and that management is listening and cares about what they think. This builds company loyalty within the employees and your employees tend to stay long so you don’t have the turnover in the company and will not have the expense of having to continually train new employees.
20. Do you feel that participative management helps to empower superiors and subordinates drastically? Yes, because I would do if I didn’t!!! It works and keeps employees working in the company instead of sending out resumes.
21. Which need based motivation model to you relate to the most? (Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two factor model, or the acquired-needs model.) Maslow’s hierarchy - salary does real make anybody happy it is not a motivator – you have to pay people what their worth to get them motivated you have to treat people right.
22. Borrowing from the motivational models of Herzberg and Maslow, do you view money as a motivator or a satisfier? It satisfies for a very short time but never really motivate a person.
In hiring Employees what do you look for? Honest, company loyalty and best fit for the company and respect.
What was your training requirement for your job? Had to have financial accounting, human resources background, had to have experience in supervising employees- helpful if you have trained in managers- need to be able to train in other managers. Need to be able to multi-task and be organized, computer proficient in several programs.
What the hardest management decision you had to make?: How downsize our expenditures without sacrificing any service. (Cut 50% of the Advertising budget, plus different expenses the only thing I couldn’t cut in energy cost.)
What words of wisdom would you give a new manager coming come out into a new position? Don’t Micro-manage. Go into the managing job listening to your employees and you will be able to gain a lot of information about the company and the operations of it, and learn about the strengths and weakness of your staff this is where you can gain their loyalty if you’re not a know it all. You’re staff will be willing to learn from you if you do it in a kind, patient, teaching manner. You have to use different techniques for different people because everyone learns differently.