Bayfield's response to all this was to expand from a one-shift to a two-shift operation. Then, they had to expand to a three-shift operation. The additional night-shift bagging crew consisted of all new employees. The most emphasis was placed on increasing output. It was very likely that only occasionally were bags double checked on their weight. This is where the statistical control has come into place.
The problems that Bayfield Mud faces include the possibility of losing a customer in Wet-Land, Inc. Another problem is putting out a product that is not acceptable. This problem could lead to more than just the loss of one customer, but perhaps an even greater amount.
Based on the information given in the following charts and numbers, especially the control chart, it is obvious that the bag problem is out of control. Out of the 72 times that samples were taken, 14 were out of control. That is unacceptable for a company who intends on satisfying the customer and maintaining business. Something must be done in this company to correct the problem that has arisen.
Some recommendations that I have would be to focus more on the quality rather than the quantity. The managers are so intent on getting the most products, that they are willing to sacrifice