Final exam Fall 2011
1. Nephrons that control plasma volume are: a. cortical b. juxtamedullary c. juxtaglomerular d. both a and c
1. Hemoglobin that has carbon dioxide bound to it is called: a. Oxyhemoglobin b. deoxyhemoglobin c. carbaminohemoglobin d. hematopoietic
1. Urine moves from the kidney to the bladder by: a. collecting duct b. distal convoluted tubule c. descending loop of Henle d. capsular space
1. Nephrons with a short loop of Henle and no vasa recta are: a. cortical b. juxtamedullary c. juxtaglomerular d. nonfunctional
1. Compared to plasma, filtrate leaving the descending loop of Henle is: a. hypoosmotic b. isosmotic c. hyperosmotic d. variable depending on ADH levels
2. Filtrate leaving the descending loop of Henle is: a. hypoosmotic b. hyperosmotic c. isosmotic
2. Which of the following is an example of a specific body defense mechanism? a. phagocystosis b. inflammation c. antibodies d. complement
2. Filtrate leaving the ascending loop of Henle enters the (question on two exams) a. collecting duct b. distal convoluted tubule c. descending loop of Henle d. capsular space
2. Amino acids: a. are reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule by secondary active transport b. are reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule by diffusion c. are reabsorbed in all parts of the nephron by simple diffusion d. contain nitrogen so they are not reabsorbed
3. Amino acids a. are reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule by secondary active transport b. are reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule by diffusion c. are reabsorbed in all parts of the nephron by simple diffusion d. are controlled in the plasma by not reabsorbing excess
3. Which is mediator if inflammation is secreted by mast cells? a. histamine b. kinins c. complement d. perforin
3. Creatine: a. is reabsorbed in