I suspect that your instructor had some elements that he/she explained were critical to "a Well Designed Investigation." If I were you, I would get those out to start with so that you can make sure that you include all in your answer.
1. Probably they include negatives and, if possible, positive controls. Is your negative control a test plant that is planted in a pot with no legume planted in the pot? Do you have any other negative controls? How about positive controls? Are there some plants which you know will grow well under the conditions that you are specifying? Are you using these as positive controls, while your test plants will be a different type of plant?
2. I suspect they also include a method of checking, periodically, for results "over time," meaning either daily, weekly, monthly ....
3. Wouldn 't you want all of your test "subjects" exposed to the same environmental conditions, with the exception of the one element for which you are testing. That means that all get the same amount of light, water and soil and that the light, water and soil are from the same source. So, you will need a way of measuring the amount of light, water and soil. If you are planting in containers, wouldn 't you want all of the containers made of the same substance, instead of having some be of plastic and some of wood? Wouldn 't you want them to all be the same height, width and depth? Wouldn 't you want them all oriented with respect to the sun such that none blocked sunlight from the others? Wouldn 't you want to weed them all frequently and regularly to insure that the presence of weeds did not adversely effect one or the other of your test subjects? I suspect that your instructor wants you to say in your experimental proposal write up how you will orient the containers and what they will be made of and what are their dimensions and how often you will check for weeds and measure light water and soil...
4. Won 't you need to decide