
Because I Could Not Stop For Death By Emily Dickinson

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The poem “Because I could not stop for Death” was written by Emily Dickinson in the 1800’s. She was born in Amherst, Massachusetts on December 10th 1830 where she passed away at on May 15th 1886; she was 55 years of age when she died. Dickinson’s poems were influenced Metaphysical poets of seventeenth-century England. When Emily died she left behind forty hand bound volumes with about 1,800 poems in it. Her first poem was not published until in 1890 which was four years after she was deceased and the last was published in 1955. The poem because I could not stop for death is poem not about war but it’s mainly about love. This poem has six stanzas and is a lyrical poem which shows the deep feelings and emotions that Dickinson was feeling at the time. There is no rhyme scheme in any of the 6 quatrains. Dickinson explains how death is approaching but doesn’t think that death is the last part of life. …show more content…

When she started off with because, I immediately knew she was about to give an explanation to an argument. This made the poem seem alive unlike others that I’ve read. Dickinson capitalized Death with mad me think of it as a person, as I kept on reading she goes to say, “He stopped for me” (2) which answered my thought that Death was a person. Death was a kind gentleman who stopped to pick Emily up in the Carriage, “The Carriage held but just ourselves – And Immortality.” (3-4) I assume that it’s just Emily and Death riding in this carriage alone. She’s riding with death so instead of mortality she uses immortality which makes me think that she doesn’t think that death is the end but as a step to eternal

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