as well as some four year schools. To become a registered nurse an individual must graduate from an approved school of nursing and pass a state exam. Nurses may receive a diploma from a hospital school or nursing, an associate’s degree from a community college nursing program, or a bachelor’s degree from a four year college. You can get this schooling and training through many different colleges. One college offered in New Jersey, is Rutgers in New Brunswick. This college allows you to get the right training and degrees, and also offers a hospital nursing program through the college Of course, college doesn’t come free. In order to attend the Rutgers in New Brunswick, in-state tuition would cost 5, 000 dollars. Extra Fees are about 1, 333 dollars. And Room & Board which would be the best bet for myself, would cost about 6,312 dollars. Books and expenses average about about 717 dollars. So just for that alone looking at about a little over 13, 000 dollars to earn the right training and degrees. Though this is a lot of money, becoming an R.N. is however, very rewarding in the end. According to a salary survey taken in 2002 by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, those graduating with a bachelor’s degree in nursing were offered a starting salary of 41,413 dollars per year. Those with master’s degrees were offered 57,240 for their first year. With this, an R.N. receives paid vacations, holidays, sick days, life and health insurance, and retirement benefits. The job market for this type of a career is in demand.
Employers are looking desperately for registered nurses, and because of this, they are willing to pay more. It is said that employment is expected to grow faster within the years. You could apply for this job in medical offices, hospitals, nursing homes, and even through an agency that allows their registered nurses to travel to their patients homes and take care of them there. Becoming a registered nurse could often lead going to more school, and eventually becoming a doctor. With being a nurse you must be able to handle a lot of different kinds of stress. These include emotional stress such as if a patient dies, and physical stress as being a nurse may require lifting of equipment and maybe even patients. What also comes with all this stress is the ability to react at a moment’s notice. This is why it takes a high level of energy and focus because it is never known when something can take a turn for the worse. Being a nurse takes a strong will, but also a kind …show more content…
heart. There is much more to nursing than just providing assistance to doctor or caring for a person in need.
Nursing requires plenty of hands on work, education, and skill in order to provide the best care needed. There are various types of nurses including pediatric nurse, rehabilitation nurse, and trauma nurse to name a few. Many nursing professions require formal education that can last from several months to a couple of years depending on the area being specialized. A large number of nursing positions require on the job training. You can work in different settings from a hospital, nursing home, medical office, or private home setting. For my conducting an interview assignment, I interviewed Adriana Torres BSN. Has d a the position of House Supervisor at a hospital in Juarez, Mexico from 2003 to 2012.Her position as a House Supervisor requires her to delegate nursing care. responsibilities throughout the hospital while at the same time overseeing and complaints from patients and/or staff, problems within the hospital, and staffing