understand every patient’s situation and health problems.
Ethical Consideration For this article, the approval from the board helped the study to have permission to implement new methods in hospitals.
The NSW Health Human Research Ethics Committee CRGH Zone of the Sydney South West Area Health Services approved the study. Every patient and nurse were not identified but only labeled as Group 1, Group 2, patient 1, etc. The protection of the patient and nurses block their full identity. Participants in the study were given a written summary about the research that involved the objections and requirements before sighing the consent form, having the permission of individuals in the hospitals to be involved in the
Quality work of nurses significantly represents the hospitals capability of being reliable or disorganized. Depending on the nurses, the communications skills lack if the reports on each patient is not always updated and nurses do not communicate of any issues. Based on the study, it created positive impacts on the nurses to communicate consistently. The comments made by nurses and patients helped determine whether the bedside handover resulted a positive and beneficial pathway. The study made can possibly take place in other hospitals to implement the new technique with the approval of the board. The study helped identify the issues with nurses before the exposure of beside handover. The communications of nurse-to-nurse lacked, making the organization of the information for each patient unreliable and separates the view of one nurse to another. The lack of communication causes hospitals to be inconsistent with their patient’s information on their health. Errors are made without the communication. However, with bedside handover increases the communication and open-mindedness of every nurse and patient. The study provides guideline for nurses to develop their communication skill and help those around them to take part in the experience of bedside report. Bedside handover can benefit hospitals that lack in communication skills so that their skills can become part of their strengths.