According to the “Behavioral Analysis Exercise: The Amazing Teen Brain,” a hypothetical situation …show more content…
occurred involving an adolescent boy Mark, another student, and their physical education teacher. The educator attempted to break up the fight between Mark and the other student through verbally yelling at the boys. When this did not work, the teacher proceeded to end the situation through a forceful removal of the student Mark. Provided, that the school psychologist suggested that Mark may be abused at home, to the other teachers in the school; the physical education teacher should not have placed his hands on him.
Despite this not being an ideal situation; Mark was more likely to lash out due to the circumstances of abuse in his home. Contrary to the reaction of Mark’s teacher; school is supposed to be a safe and educational space for children. The situation showed a completely different idea in regard to what a school should be like. “What most determines teen behavior, then, is not so much the late development of executive functioning or the early onset of emotional behavior but a mismatch in the timing of the two developments. If young teens are emotionally propelled by the limbic system, yet prefrontal control is not as good as it is going to get until, say, age 25, that leaves a decade of time during which imbalances between emotional and contemplative thinking can reign” (Giedd 35). As teachers, we must understand how the adolescent brain functions and interpret it as the student trying to rationalize the situation at hand; or another situation that may have occurred at a different time. A teenager could lash out due to a misplacement of anger or other emotions …show more content…
they have encountered. It is the educator's job to help the students rationalize their emotions in a positive way that will further their advancement to adulthood. Neuroscience provides teachers with an understanding of the brain and how it develops, in addition to the effects the environment has on its development.
The frontal cortex provides humans with the ability to “achieve goals, solve problems, and regulate behavior…it includes the ability to control emotions and inhibit responses” (Durwin 99); this is known as executive functioning. These skills are mostly inherited from the child's parents, but in some cases; it is affected environmentally. Furthermore, this leads to the inability to control any or all emotions and decision-making; which could explain Mark’s behavior in the situation discussed earlier. The circumstances that occurred could have been handled differently if the teacher had been more compassionate towards the specific individual’s needs. The idea of positive attitude, “meaningful verbal praise to get and keep students actively participating in the learning process,” (Thompson 15) is an example of what could have been done in this situation as well as, creating a fair environment. Instead of being praised; the educator could have verbally told Mark, in a calm manner, how his actions were wrong and what he could do to change them. In addition, the teacher should consider pulling the students to
the side in the future, versus causing a scene in front of the entire class. This could have led to a more efficient way of handling the poor decision made by the student. On top of the verbal teachings, the educator was unfair in the way the students were treated. Mark may have lashed out at the teacher, but the other student cursed during the argument as well and was the initiator in the fight. The educator verbally attacked Mark but did nothing to explain how the other teen was in the wrong. The idea of a purposeful teacher is to be effective in the teachings and guidance of their students; in addition to making them feel comfortable in the school. The differential rates of development of the prefrontal lobe and limbic system could be the cause of poor development in emotional skills and perspective taking; likewise, the inability to make rational decisions and risk-taking behavior. Most brain development happens through experiences and teachers must be aware of the differences between students and their backgrounds, experiences, and level of development in order to make the proper decision in the matter.