Individual Level
Prochaska, J. M., Prochaska, J. O., Cohen, F. C., Gomes, S. O., Laforge, R. G., &
Eastwood, A. L. (2004). The Transtheoretical Model of Change for Multi-level
Interventions for Alcohol Abuse on Campus. Journal of Alcohol & Drug
Education, 47(3), 34-50.
This article brings together the pressing problem of alcohol abuse on college campuses on one of the most promising solution--stage-based interventions applied at multiple levels. The interventions fit the Transtheoretical Model, which construes behavior change as a process that unfolds over time and involves progress through a series of stages. Unique to the paper is how the stage paradigm can be applied at four levels of the university and into the community. The four levels are leadership, facility and staff, and students and alumni. This approach to change can produce impressive impacts on alcohol abuse and its serious consequences. Word Count 100
D'Souza, C., Zyngier, S., Robinson, P., Schlotterlein, M., & Sullivan-Mort, G. (2011).
Health Belief Model: Evaluating Marketing Promotion in a Public Vaccination Program. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 23(2), 134-157.
This article sought to determine the application of the HBM with the uptake of the HPV vaccine, assess the marketing implications, and identify the enabling factors that can
outline possible future avenues that health practitioners might explore. The limitations of this research are on the use of focus groups. The HBM was used to outline how effectively marketing can be used to influence decision-making in the uptake of the HPV vaccine. The HBM provided insight on various concepts and shed some light on the use of social marketing strategies. These findings offer varied perspectives on pertinent health promotion that public health practitioners, industry groups, and governments may