The purpose of my experiment was to change my study habits. Before beginning the assignment I started off only studying my classwork for about 1 to 2 hours a day. I readily noticed that this behavior needs to change to at least 3 to 4 hours a day, so I figured out a plan. The basic approach I used to change this behavior was to start going to the library more often rather than leaving and going straight home after class. I also started taking better class notes so that I could have something to review over than just my text book. By me putting in more hours of study time I should see a better outcome in my grades by the end of the semester.…
Behavior Intervention Plan Student: _John Smith____________ Grade: 5th____ School: Grand Canyon Elementary_____ Date Developed: _____________________ Date of Implementation: _____________________ Base Line Data Results: Hypothesis Statement: Person(s) Responsible for Implementing Plan: Behavior of Concern Behavior Defined Intervention Goal: Behavior Intervention Plan-page 2 Intervention Plan 1. 2. 3. 4.…
Freedman, K. D. (2012, July). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Fact sheet. National Alliance on Mental Illness, pp. 1-2.…
Replacing the inappropriate behaviour with appropriate behaviour. This teaches children to communicate appropriately when they are in difficult situations, for example, the child needs to be able to ask for help when they need the toilet, or to express their emotions if they have a fear or are feeling angry. By teaching them how to communicate properly it also teaches them social skills, which will help them to initiate conversations or actions such as making friends, going to a quiet place where they feel safe or completing a calming activity. It teaches them specific play and leisure skills which could occupy their interests, it also helps them to develop their behaviour targets as well as communication skills.…
Martin G. and Pear J. (2007) Behavior Modification: What is it and How to do it (9th edition) Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey…
Reinforcing positive behaviour, is about sending signals and rewards to children so they become inclined to repeat behaviour.…
a process of behavior modification in which the likelihood of a specific behavior is increased or decreased through positive or negative reinforcement each time the behavior is exhibited, so that the subject comes to associate the pleasure or displeasure of the reinforcement with the behavior.…
Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is not a modification plan for students with difficult behaviors; it is a system for modifying the environment; as well as the way that teachers respond to these difficult behaviors. "Such environmental interventions, in turn, serve to make problem behavior less effective, efficient, and relevant and desired behavior more functional" ( ). Teachers first should utilize a functional behavioral assessment in order to determine if there may be different reasons for similar behaviors. If behaviors originate from two different motives, each behavior should be dealt with using different support plans. Steps in assessing such behaviors are: Define the problem, answer key questions, observe and record antecedents, behaviors, and consequences, develop a plan, use the plan, revise the plan (Positive Behavioral Supports for Special Educators). PBS plans are being implemented nation wide to prevent and correct undesirable behaviors by first assessing what invoked the behavior.…
This experiential learning activity will give you an opportunity to apply basic psychological principles to learn more about your own behavior. The project will be conducted over a 9 week period. By week 3, you will choose a behavior that you would like to change and come up with a behavior change plan. In weeks 4-10, you will work on changing that behavior and record your progress. In weeks 11-13, you will reflect, analyze, and interpret your behavior change and outcomes. A 5 page write-up (double spaced) of this behavior change activity covering the points described below is due the week of presentations at the beginning of the class period.…
Behavioral modification refers to the modification in behavior like: assisting in dining table because most of the person who has behavioral problem of wandering skip meal. This helps to maintain the balance diet.…
I decided to focus on special education and the behavior modification needed to improve the disruptions during class. It affects me because I have taught in an inclusive classroom and I have witnessed firsthand the behavioral problems and the lack of resources.…
There is a person who is outstanding figure in every generation, society. One that will go above and beyond for any reason without question, and for what every reason this person reacts it may be because of his environment and ethics.…
The behavior modification project is used to work toward better health habits. The project required me to observe my unhealthy behavior over a period of time. Also, it requires to create punishments and rewards for said behavior. It is meant for us to modify our bad behaviors by retaining them and creating new heathier habits. Alexia Johnson has been my partner and supporter for this project. The bad behavior I chose was watching excessive television. My punishment consisted of ten squats per minute of television I watch and my reward was to have a home cooked meal with my peers, which I do not get to do often because I am busy watching television.…
Martin, G., & Pear, J. (2011). Behaviour modification: What it is and how to do it (9th Ed.).…
Behavioral treatment works on a 'reward and consequence' system. When a child is behaving in a way that is seen as beneficial to them, then they are rewarded. An example of this would be letting the child watch the television after they spent a certain amount of time paying attention a specific thing, such as their homework. When the child is seen behaving in a negative way, such as not paying attention, then the child is reprimanded. For example, if the child will not do their homework then they are not allowed to watch television that night (Carey). This type of treatment is better for the families of the child because behavior therapy is the cheaper option when compared to medication (Carey).…