I Introduction
A definition
B people 's impression
1 formal impression
2 common impression
C thesis
II History of Etiquette
A old British style
B Post family
1 original
2 extended
C how rules have changed from old style / new ones not used
III Kinds of Etiquette
A common sense aspect
B formal aspects
1 social
2 business
IV How and when it is used
A when the right time is
B what situations require a change
1 indicators
2 parallel good
V Personal view
A what things are really important
B why etiquette is relative
1 right to some / wrong to others
2 some expect more than others
3 situations can be perceived different ways
VI Conclusion
A re-discussion of why it is relative (from intro. & part V)
B usefulness of defined rules
1 narrow situations
2 good common ones
C re-statement / support from paper
Websters Ninth collegiate dictionary defines etiquette as "The conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life." What this tells us is that those who are bred well, and feel that others are, have certain expectations of those people. If said people don 't meet those undefined standards of good breeding, then their etiquette is at fault. The other part of the definition describes etiquette as being prescribed by authority. There are times when a set of rules are laid out for a specific occasion. When this is not defined, one must decide what action or set of actions is appropriate. It reminds me of the saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Yet if I were to go to Rome, I 'll still be American, and would have to decide if being in Rome is worth acting like a Roman. Emily Post (whom I will discuss) said "Etiquette is common sense - a code of behavior based on thoughtfulness."
Bibliography: Miller, Margo. "Living by the book" Time 18 August 1989 ; 23 Kennedy, Louise."Difficulties of Etiquette in America 's Democracy" Time 30 July 1990:34 Hatfield Julie. "A New Post Inherits Etiquette" Time 8 August 1994 : 61 Dunnan, Nancy, and Nancy Tuckerman The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette New York: Doubleday, 1995 Axtell, Roger Do 's and Taboo 's Elmsford: Parker Pen Company, 1995 Carlson, Dale and Dan Fitzgibbon Manners That Matter for People under 21 New York: E.P. Dutton, 1983