should not have to remind you, they can fire you if they choose to. As an adult, it is your responsibility to pay your own bills and maintain a roof over your head. No one will be there to just give you money and or give you a place to stay. Taking charge of your life will be your responsibility. As you grow older, you must understand that you’re on your own. There is no one you can keep relying on to help you. You need to mature and become an adult. Adults don’t expect others to always be there for them. You’ll never know if there will be someone there to depend on. Adults don’t allow others to think and decide for them. Everyone is responsible for taking charge of their own lives and actions. These are the people who don’t need others to survive in the real world. The only person that can decide what you do in life is you.
It’s your life, do what you want to. A huge part of being an adult is being able to do things independently. You’ll be paying your own bills and making your own decisions. You must create your own path to follow, influenced by no one but you. No one else but you is going to walk that path. Prioritize your responsibilities over others. Nothing is more important to you than taking care of your own work and problems. Don’t be afraid to be a little selfish, after all, you’ll be too busy with your tasks to help others with theirs. It’s not wrong to work with others, lend a helping hand, or ask for help when you need it. I think it’s nice to feel that there’s someone there you can depend on or interact with others. Being independent seems like the complete opposite of that however, Independence is not as bad as it looks. Being independent shows that you are able to do thing without help, succeed without the aid of others, and that you can control your own life. Learning to become independent shows how serious you are about your
future. When you leave home and step into the real world, you’ll be going in alone. You’ll be given the responsibility of taking care of your well being. There is no waiting for others to help you. If you can’t learn to take care of yourself, there is no way you can take care of a family. Breaking free from having things handed to you is the first step towards a successful life.