HSC 2007 note: sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 must be assest at working enviroment when demonstrate written
1. Understand principles for supporting independence in the tasks of daily living:
1.1 explain how indiv. Can benefit from being as independent as possible in the tasks of living
Since Dementia take away slowly and gradualy all you are, ( in eyes of client and famillies) to be independent as much as possible is the most important thing left:
- client wants to continue live normal live as long as possible and as much as possible.
- client does not want to be seen/ viewed by anynone as wonrluable of baren ( helps create feeling " I am still ok")
- helps to keep body and mind sharp for as long as possible
- improves mood ( by taken away hoplesness and replacing it by new discoveries- "oh, can use wheel chair to continue going to cinema")
- can help to promote furthure socializing rather that become isolated in depression
1.2 Expl. How active participation promotes independence in tasks of dalily living.
- doing quises in comunity- promotes and trains brain fuctions, helps to slow progress of illness, keeps moind sharp and keeping touch with other people- eliminates isolation
- Assisting with daily tasks- helping carer to do/ finish tasks ( lift up leg when puttin on socks- give feeling of independnce and usefulness) , supporting/ keeping dignity
- Physical exercises/ outdoor activ.- keeps mind in positive set, give feeling of freedom and life ( Not being " locked up/ unwanted") , keeps muscles exercised and incuorages blood flow.
- intressted in support organisation- learning, about all options available to client,