To get started you need a business plan. What is it that you want to do, what is your target audience and how are you going to grow that business. Once you have this figured out you need to set your business plan into action. You need to promote that business, build a reputation and have a product/service that keeps them coming back. to build your client base. Getting your name and product out there and buiding that reputation. Having a good business plan,time, money and patience. You need to keep that cusotmer satisfied and wanting to create the need for them to keep coming back. Sometimes the family suffers as this takes away vacation and quality times. Your customer/end user is now your boss
The advantages are when you are doing well and thriving, working long days but its ok because you are adding to your bottom line. You have no one to blame other than yourself at the end of the day when the work is not done. Your succes totally rides on you. Hopefully you have chosen a passion so going to work everyday is not a dreaded task. You may not have a "boss breathing down your neck" but your customer is your boss. You want to make him/her happy and delivering as promised. When you are successful you are proud that "you did it'. failures of being self employeed are when you hit hard times. maybe the service or products that you offer are only seasonal, or a luxury item. Since many products are cyclicle they have down times. have you managed to budget properly to carry yourself during that down time? Rent/mortgage and utilties are alwyas going to be