I was not working at the time, so I had very little money and his father only paid child support when he decided to, or when the courts forced him to pay. It is a very scary feeling to be on your own with a little guy who depended on me for his every need. His dad comes and goes in and out of his life whenever he feels the need to without any consideration for his feelings. How do I explain to my son Jacob that even though his dad loves him very much that he just doesn’t want to be around because he is selfish at times? If it was not for my mom’s help these last 11 years I do not know where we would be. Being a single parent is not only scary at times but also a very fun, entertaining adventure. One day he was less than a year old and we had just put him down for a nap. He had just in that short amount of time he was sleeping started running a very high fever. He suddenly woke up from his nap screaming uncontrollably. I ran as fast as I could to his crib to see what was wrong. I leaned down to check him and I noticed his face was bright red and he was burning up with a fever. I grabbed him from the crib and carried him to my mom, who we were living with at the time. I left him in her capable hands so I could run into the bathroom to get some medicine for his fever.
Just as I grabbed the medicine, my mom yelled “quick call 911, he’s having a seizure”. I ran as fast as I could to him only to find him shaking uncontrollably. Luckily my mom was there and understood what was going on. She was able to help him get through his frightening ordeal. So I ran