The affected nerve causes weakness or paralysis on one side of the face, which leads the mouth to droop, resulting is drooling of saliva. Bell’s palsy causes an inability to make facial expressions, distorted sense of taste and an inefficiency to close the affected side. When patient raises eyebrows, palsy-affected side of forehead remains flat. These …show more content…
It is less common before the ages of fifteen or after age sixty. It attacks people who have diabetes, upper respiratory aliments, such as the flu or cold. It afflicts with 40,000 Americans each year.
Managing the disease is to improve the facial nerve function, reduce neuronal damage, and prevent complications from corneal exposure. Treatment for Bell’s palsy consist of steroids to reduce the swelling and inflammation, and antiviral medication. Others may need physical therapy, facial massages or acupuncture to improve facial nerve functions. Leaving the eye exposed can interrupt the eyelid's blinking ability. Lubricating eye drops, eye ointments or gels, and eye patches are also effective in keeping the eye moist and protecting the eye from injuries.
Bell palsy examinations include, otology, ocular, oral examination, and neurologic examination. The stages of getting bell palsy consist of normal facial function, mild and moderate dysfunction, moderately severe dysfunction, severe dysfunction, and total paralysis. However, there are no set diagnostic tests for Bell palsy, the following may be useful for identifying other disorders: complete blood count, thyroid function, blood glucose, hemoglobin A, and salivary