Ones culture influences the connection you have and feel to a place, such as the suburb and school in St Patricks College. St Patricks College is set in a Catholic school. “Our Lady” – reference to our lady lets the reader know it is a highly religious catholic school. “Over shadowed by the clouds” this suggests the statue face is not clear. Indirectly life for the boy is uncertain at school. The use of the word shadow symbolises a casting doubt in the boys school life. The narrator explains the boy doesn’t fit in, depicted in the simile “Feels like a foreign tourist” the boy feels excluded because of his Polish background both at school and around the town he lives in. The passing of 8 full years at this place and he still does not feel a serious connection to the suburb or the school.
In Neighbours the couple feels disconnected to the town in which they move to. At first alienated,suspicious and foreign in their own home. They don’t feel that they belong in the neighbourhood even though it is a part of their country. The couple’s sense of belonging begins to grow as time passes through acceptance. The couple begin to fit in with the outsiders traditions and decide they love it. As time continues to pass the two cultures may have different opinions on the lifestyle of one another although they decide to accept this and gain a sense of generosity through