Not belonging can be hard to deal with especially when you are somewhere or with someone that you are not used to. This can have an affect on the individual’s understanding of themselves and their world. In the poem ‘Migrant Hostel’ by Peter Skrzynecki, the individual hasn’t seen the world or felt a sense of connection because of where he lives. ‘Migrant Hostel’ is about Peter living in the hostel right after he has moved from Germany to Australia. At the beginning of the poem, the tone is solemn which allows the reader see his sense of not belonging to the hostel. The collective “newcomers” coming and living in the hostel highlights the fact that Peter lacks individual identity. In the third stanza, the “weather” is used as a metaphor for the unpredictability each day had in stall for the migrants. This means that they had no control over their lives and therefore can’t gain a sense of belonging. In the final stanza, the “barrier at the main gate” is used as a physical symbol which prevents Peter and the migrants from seeing the outside world and alienates them from the rest of the world. This prevents Peter and the other migrants from gaining a sense of belonging. This poem shows that an individual can sometimes not broaden and deepen their own understanding of themselves and of their world.
Belonging to a new place can be difficult because you are not used to what the place is like and how the