Within the Christian worldview, there are essential elements that are reflected upon the Christian faith. The Christian worldview put ultimate value and worth on God, as He is the creator of all things. With that, the Christian worldview puts anything before God (DiVincenzo, 2015)). The followers of God were supposed to live their lives according to wisdom under God’s kingly reign (DiVincenzo, 2015). The Christian worldview does come from faith and belief, and there is a requirement of a clear understanding of Christianity (Harvey, 2008). This paper will describe the essentials of the Christian worldview, and how God’s image is highly influenced of the Christian faith.
The elements of the Christian worldview …show more content…
Humanity was created to demonstrate God’s special relationship to humanity and God’s role for humanity (DiVincenzo, 2015). It was also created to know and worship God, and have dominion in to rule the earth as both priestly and kingly figures (DiVincenzo, 2015). The biggest element of humanity is that God created it to have a relationship with him. The Fall of Adam and Eve was what changed the nature of humanity and sin nature, but also the beginning of sin into the world (DiVincenzo, 2015). It led to the entrance of death in the world, and sin nature separates us from that relationship with God. The Christian worldview has two major elements of human nature. First, humans were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-28). Second, all humans are sinful by nature after the Fall of Adam and Eve (DiVincenzo, 2015). “Because humans are sinful by nature, humanity will behave in a sinful way” (DiVincenzo, 2015). The Christian worldview recognizes that all humans act out in sinful ways, which causes a separation with a relationship with …show more content…
The strengths are all based on human behavior and actions, but also in the spiritual work of all human beings. Being a Christian, I think that living in faith is a huge essential element of Christianity. I think that Christianity is a very defined religion and a strict religion to follow. The Christian faith is also very percise, in terms of, God’s work and living out life in those ways. Some weaknesses are in the political and scientific aspect of the Christianity. Christianity can be perceived in many different ways through different propositions in belief and faith (Harvey, 2008). Because of that, the strength is of the Scripture is the word of God, but how the word of God is framed and analyzed as in a belief. There are many aspects of Christianity that are confusing. First, there would confusion in the Trinity because three people are believed to be one person. How I look at it as the actual true meaning of Trinity, which form as a whole. Another would be how God truly expresses humanity (Pederson, 2016). Christianity influences a person’s thinking and behavior based on their truth beliefs of the faith. Since Christianity is very tradtion in the word of God, God can be looked at in a simple and complex manner. One biggest influence of a person’s thinking and behavior within Christianity would be sin and forgiveness (Pederson,