Research Analysis The Port of Rotterdam and the Port of Durban
Gerard de Vries & Eder Mufunko
Inhoudsopgave 1.1 Introduction 4 1.2 Facts and Figures 5 2.1 Description type of goods port of Rotterdam 8 2.1 Description type of goods port of Durban 12 3.1 Daily Routine in the Port of Rotterdam 14 3.2 Daily routine in the Port of Durban 20 4. Economic analysis of the Port of Rotterdam and the Port of Durban 23 5. Analysis of all important actors 27 6. Safety and Environment 39 7. Globalization and Supply chain management 44 8. Conclusion 50
1.1 Introduction
The subject of this report is the comparison of The Port of Rotterdam and The Port of Durban. The analysis is multi dimensional . The reason for choosing The Port of Durban, is because Durban is one of South Africa’s modern port. If u take a look to all the ports in Africa it is clear that the ports of South Africa are modern and have a geographical advance with other African ports.
The report has been written in command of the differentiation minor Seaport management. Seaports play a major role in the economy of a country and a vital role in the supply chain management and the necessary attention.
The report is divided into different chapters. Chapter one will give an overview of facts and figures of both ports. In chapter two a description of the type cargo and commodities will be given. In chapter three a description of the daily routine will be given. Chapter four analyses the economic impact of the ports. Chapter five all important actors and their co-relation will be analyzed. In chapter seven an analysis of the impact of globalization will be done and finally a conclusion will be drawn in chapter eight.
1.3 Facts and Figures
To get a good view of the differences between the port of Rotterdam and the port of Durban, one has to compare the facts and figures. In this chapter facts and figures on the size