He was one out of two survivors from nine children, with an alcoholic father and a weak-willed mother, who did little to ease his aggressive nature. When his father died, the family was left in debt, forcing his mother to take him out of school, which he attended from ages 11-13. When he was a sea merchant captain and smuggler, he fought two duels. After the American Revolution, He started a business in 1785, but a fire wiped it out in 1788, and insurers refused to pay. By 1794 he was a privateer in the West Indies. Arnold was captured by the French for being a spy during the French Revolution, but he escaped and then helped British planters stop a slave uprising. After England had no further use for him or his military experience, he died from illness in…
A hero is a person who is admired and idealized for their outstanding courage, achievements, or noble qualities. Everybody’s perception of a hero is different, when asked, some might suggest a superhero that wears capes and solves crimes. Others might think of a soldier who fights for their country. In the book Cue for Treason by Geoffrey Trease, fourteen year-old Cumberland man Peter Brownrigg, is the protagonist. His perseverance, allegiance, and compassionate personality traits exemplify his heroism.…
Of the many courageous men-at-arms who imperiled their lives to fight for their independence, Benedict Arnold attracts the most amount of attention, but not necessarily for his brave deeds enacted for the Patriot forces of the war. Arnold acquired notoriety for the treason he committed in his military career, but before this, he was a businessman, and a member of the Sons of Liberty and local militia, it was later in his life that he finally became infamous for his defection to the British cause in the midst of…
GW: At the time of the appointment, I was a member of the second Continental Congress and fighting had already broken out in Massachusetts and Congress wanted to raise an army quick, so they unanimously selected me for the task due to my previous participation in the French and Indian War. This was not a position that I wanted or sought out; instead I avoided it at all costs as is seen in my letter to Martha immediately following my appointment to commander-in-chief. Even though I could have declined I believed that doing so would have dishonored me and pained my friends (“Washington to Martha Washington” 1). I did not want to be away from my family nor did I think that I was worthy of the job yet out of a sense of duty for my country and a…
America, the nation started on the idea of a nation free from oppression has a dark often shameful history. The Trail of Tears following the Indian removal act is a perfect representation with direct legislature to prove it. Now I have to say that former president Andrew Jackson was a person I greatly admired and often visited the hallowed statue in New Orleans that stands ever vigilant as a visual tribute the man who stood with few to fight the many and came out victorious. Some historians view Jackson as a very controversial President, However historians will often agree that the Indian Removal Act of 1830 was not popular until, later on in retrospect but at the time seemed to be a viable option.” This area was home to the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminole nations. These Indian nations, in the view of the settlers and many other white Americans, were standing in the way of progress. Eager for land to raise cotton, the settlers pressured the federal government to acquire Indian territory”.(pbs) The Indians being moved, had already been pushed out of the coastal regions now claimed by the new Americas and were now being moved again,…
He was honesty and he will tell the truth. He was responsible for his work and other things he's need to do. He had courage, determination, and mental agility to keep the American cause one step ahead of complete disintegration until he figured out how to win the unprecedented revolutionary struggle he was leading.…
Andrew Jackson, our seventh President of the United States, is a rather acceptable President. He was considered as the "People's President," he was very straight forward and honest to his people. He takes his job seriously and is probably the most liberal president in history. His presidency however was neither a hero nor a villain, but shared a fair amount of each.…
Andrew Carnegie once said, "No man can become rich without enriching others." The U.S. was between wars, inventions, technology, and also successful movements with one another. As business offered the best chances, certain people became well known, due to what they created. For example, Thomas Edison; who invented the light bulb had become “famous” along with other well known people. The "king of steel," Andrew Carnegie; was a true hero known to mankind.…
Andrew Jackson was neither a hero nor a villain, but still deserves to be on the 20 dollar bill. Although Andrew Jackson did many things that made him a hero, he also did things that would question that. He can be known as an American hero for leading America in defeating the British at Battle at New Orleans and can also be known as a villain for passing the Indian Removal Act. Jackson’s strong leadership in being a general and president still gives him all the rights to be on the 20 dollar bill.…
To be a patriotic hero is to be willing to kill anything and anyone that gets in the way of making the U.S a safer country to live in; that means killing innocent children. To be a humane hero is to not believe in killing innocent children, or in general people to save others. It all comes down whether you want to be the hero soldier or the society hero. At the end, one will be a murderer and the other the heroic saint.…
The official definition for a hero is a person, typically a man who is admired or idealized for courage. Which I agree, a hero is someone who has tons of courage and can make anyone feel safe. I would say a trustworthy man/woman adds to the characteristics of a hero. A hero is also a protector of everyone around. A hero is basically an admired man or woman who tries everything in their power to do anything they can for someone.…
Soviet spy Guy Francis de Moncy Burgess, who would later become part of the infamous spy group called the Cambridge Five, was born on that day in Devonport, England into a privileged household. His father, Malcolm Burgess, was an English Naval Officer. Even though he attended the Royal Naval College at Dartmouth, he did not succeed in following his father’s footsteps.…
A hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements or noble qualities. These heros put their best selves forward in service to help humanity. Heros take action on behalf of others that are in need. Andrew Carnegie was in fact was a hero. This subject can be controversial because of the fact that Carnegie gave away money after he died, and not while he was alive. Carnegie started off in a very poor family and eventually became very wealthy. This shows the world that anyone can be rich, even if they were born into a poor family. Andrew Carnegie reached a high level of success in money and power and is considered a hero because he showed the qualities of a hero like being caring and generous by donating his money…
The question of whether WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, whose organization can be credited with releasing thousands of classified documents from various countries, is a hero or a villain depends entirely on one’s political opinions. Those who believe in transparent government and freedom of speech/publishing would call Assange a hero. Those who believe governments must have some secrecy from citizens would call him a villain. As a believer in the ideals America was founded on it is clear that Assange’s actions are heroic. He is fighting to keep the average citizen informed of any corruption within their government, fighting for the mainstream press to stop supporting the government’s views on everything, fighting to introduce the power of technology into a political system that has become outdated and corrupt.…
There have been many heroes throughout history, some big, some small. A hero is someone who improves the world, influences or inspires others, and leaves an impact on others in a good way. Augustus Caesar is a hero because of his efforts to improve morality, lead a golden age, revolutionize government values, and impact the world as we know it today.…