People say that raising the Minimum Wage will help reduce poverty rates in the United States (U.S.) that assumption is false. Increasing the Minimum Wage would only make it worse. "A higher minimum wage does not reduce poverty rates, and because of the perverse way that many government aid programs are structured, it will also do little to help the neediest minimum-wage families." (James Sherk). What Sherk says here …show more content…
Single parents could also be fired from their job if minimum wage is increased because the owner/ manager of the business might have to let them go because they just have enough money to pay their employees. They already have to raise money to help support their children, it would be a horrible thing to do if you make that task harder for single parents. This also supports the idea that poverty would be increased if the minimum wage was increased because once again. Some businesses might go out of business because they are just paying their employees too much money.
The other viewpoint on this topic is that it would help everybody make more money if it was increased. This however is not true, This screws over a big majority of “everyone” that is said to benefit from the increase. It would screw over small lower class families and could possibly do the same for middle class families. Only the upper class families won’t be affected by minimum wage increases because they are already making enough money …show more content…
“The fact that no one can agree on what a "living wage" is—is it $10, $12.50, $15, or some other number plucked from the air?—indicates that the phrase is totally arbitrary.” (Armstrong) Like Mr. Armstrong said in this quote, no one is agreeing on what a “living wage” is. He believes that workers should be paid for how valuable that employee is to the employer. Like for example, say that I work five days out of seven a week at work and I’m moving heavy equipment. With what he believes in I would make more money than the person that works three days out of seven a week and works a cashier job. This method makes a lot of sense and I’m wondering why it isn’t used