It seems as though neither ReadyPro or Bengali Gas Pipeline Company held up their end of the bargain by issuing timely paychecks to Janice. Neither company took the necessary measures to keep Janice happy, even though her requests were completely justified. Bengali Gas Pipeline company also reduced the amount of reimbursements Janice was contracted to receive, even though they said they were unwilling to make any changes to the existing contract. Bengali Gas Pipeline Company violated their own contract by reducing the amount of reimbursements Janice was supposed to receive. When Janice included both companies in her complaint email, she was likely unaware that the Bengali Gas Pipeline Company was not included in the "circle of trust" regarding the confidentiality agreement. Janice probably thought that her confidentiality agreement only referred to future jobs she may look into. ReadyPro's confidentiality agreement was definitely vague. Typically when a contract or its terms as considered vague, anything not specifically stated, the disagreement tends to favor the person who did not write the original
It seems as though neither ReadyPro or Bengali Gas Pipeline Company held up their end of the bargain by issuing timely paychecks to Janice. Neither company took the necessary measures to keep Janice happy, even though her requests were completely justified. Bengali Gas Pipeline company also reduced the amount of reimbursements Janice was contracted to receive, even though they said they were unwilling to make any changes to the existing contract. Bengali Gas Pipeline Company violated their own contract by reducing the amount of reimbursements Janice was supposed to receive. When Janice included both companies in her complaint email, she was likely unaware that the Bengali Gas Pipeline Company was not included in the "circle of trust" regarding the confidentiality agreement. Janice probably thought that her confidentiality agreement only referred to future jobs she may look into. ReadyPro's confidentiality agreement was definitely vague. Typically when a contract or its terms as considered vague, anything not specifically stated, the disagreement tends to favor the person who did not write the original