When I surveyed 50 people different color, sex, age, and live different …show more content…
It is a state of mind. If your mind is at peace, you are happy. If your mind is at peace, but you have nothing else, you can be happy. If you have everything the world can give - pleasure, possessions, power - but lack peace of mind, you can never be happy.
This response was one of my favorites because it relates to what I said to the top that it's all opinion base and not factual because one could be happy doing something but another person could be doing the same exact thing but sad/depressed. It the essay written by Benjamin Franklin in 1985 said;
The desire of happiness in general is so natural to us that all the world are in pursuit of it; all have this one end in view, though they take such different methods to attain it, and are so much divided in their notions of it.
This part is very important to say because in the constitution it said "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" and for Ben Franklin, the man on the bill then can’t help but put a smile on someone's face, to say happiness a goal that is achievable but not really. You're always going to want more even if you perfectly fine where your at, you still going to want to be more happy. You will have things that would probably make you happy most of the time for example; Stephan, age 27 and has three kids, said …show more content…
In the video we watch in class about happiness, there was an guy who lived in a swamp area his way of happiness was being able to sit on the water and look at the environment, but if we were to ask some random guy on the street if he would want to do that the rest of his life he was say no, because it sounds very boring and dangerous in some people's mind. What I’m saying happiness in all in the mind and it can be achieved but it doesn’t last forever so don’t expect it