1. Why is Whitefield inspired to build an orphanage in Georgia? Why does Franklin oppose the plan? Georgia was the last colony to be founded in the New World by Great Britain. Its purpose was to be a buffer between Spanish Florida and Great Britain’s other eleven colonies. It became in habited by Britain’s outcasts such as debtors and criminals. At the time, Georgia was mostly woods and unfit for farming without proper land clearing. These new inhabitants were not trained in land clearing nor farming. As a result, families struggled to provide for their children and eventually the children had to fend on their own. “The Sight of their miserable Situation inspired the …show more content…
He agreed that these children needed to be provided for. However, he disagreed as to where the orphanage should be located. Franklin wanted to move these children to Philadelphia to get them out of such an environment. When Whitefield refused to listen to Franklin’s counsel, Franklin withheld his contributions.
2. When Franklin observes Whitefield sermonizing in Philadelphia, he is determined not to contribute to the collection of the orphanage. What happens as he is listening to the to Whitfield? What does Franklin’s actions say about Whitefield’s preaching? As a friend to Reverend Whitefield, Benjamin Franklin attended Whitefield’s sermon regarding contributions toward the orphanage. Franklin had planned on standing his ground and not contributing toward the cause. However, the more Whitefield spoke the more Benjamin had difficulty not contributing. He explains this by his statement:
“As he [Whitefield] proceeded I began to soften, and concluded to give the Coppers. Another Stroke of his Oratory made me asham’d of that, and dtermin’d me to give the Silver; and he finish’d so admirably that I emptied my Pocket wholly into the Collector’s Dish, Gold and all. (Franklin