Almost everyones desire in life is to be famous in some way and that was apparently no different in ancient times, however to acquire fame in Beowulf’s time was a whole different process compared to modern times. That being said, the will to become famous will never change and that is clearly depicted in the story. Throughout Beowulf’s life he always tried to gain fame among his kinsmen, between fighting a demon as a young warrior or banishing a dragon as a brittle king, the will for fame and pride is still ever present in his life. From the beginning of his life to the end, he fought for glory and fame, it was the biggest personal drive for him throughout the story. People may think this is strange if not insane, but in all honesty most celebrities do the same thing today, they just don’t go around slaying dragons. They devoted most, if not their whole lives to becoming famous in the public eye, to have the glory that Beowulf sought and gained. So after all this time Beowulf’s poem can still appeal to the common person’s attraction to fame and glory.
Pride in oneself can be a tricky thing to acquire nowadays, however confidence and pride go hand and hand, and it turns out Beowulf had plenty of both. Beowulf was so confident that he fought a demon BARE-HANDED, a bloodthirsty, fear-inducing, hellspawn. Now who in their right mind would even consider such a feat? A confident, prideful warrior. These attributes are all qualities that people wish they had, this appeals to societies ideal of being