
Bernard Marx Quotes

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Task 1: While some may argue the protagonist of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is Bernard Marx, the true conflict in the novel surrounds the character John, often referred to as the Savage as he was born outside of “civilization” (121). With long, pale blonde hair in braids and pale blue eyes, the protagonist had striking looks. His skin was white, though bronzed by the sun, and his overall tall frame had an endearing, wild look that caught the eye of many women in this novel. Concerning his character, when first introduced, John was very kind and gentle. He cheerily greeted Bernard and invited him to meet his mother. But, as the novel progressed, a whole new side of John revealed itself. Once Bernard brought him into World State, the dystopian society of Brave New World, his kind nature became reclusive and temperamental. Furthermore, he grew reckless, rebellious, and dangerous. These new characteristics manifested during …show more content…

Lenina, who too aided in bringing the Savage from his home to World State, immediately became John’s love interest in Brave New World. When he first caught sight of her, John “gave a gasp and was silent, gaping” (117). However, though his desire was strong, John never felt he deserved Lenina. Lenina asked him why he would not just kiss her, and he replied “I wanted to do something first…to show I was worthy of you” (189). As romantic as this declaration was, romance was not the way of World State, meaning Lenina could not understand John’s reservations. She questioned that “if you wanted me too, why didn’t you” (192). But John responded, “I shall never melt mine honour into lust” (192). So, the true conflict here was between John’s desire and his values. He wanted Lenina and Lenina loved him too but his values fought him at every turn. Since this conflict ensued between two parts of John himself, the battle between lust and merit is an internal

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