Having my daughter had the most profound impact on my life and brought about many changes. For example: Having to develop a strict routine in able to provide her with consistency and care properly for her needs as an infant. Like the sleeping, eating, pooping, learning time and things like that. This was challenging for me personally because typically I am a spontaneous fly by the seat of my pants kinda guy. Just up and go at whim. Not much of a planner. That did not work once my daughter was in the picture and I had to learn that the hard way. We had a crying fussy baby who was on no type of schedule and it was running us ragged but parenting is all trial and error so we quick
John Marrs Student ID# S-13-A006 Final Exam Essay The Moment I Held Her...
There have no doubt been many happy moments in my lifetime however there is one in particular that outshines all the rest.