(Persuasive Problem-Solution)
Purpose: To inform and persuade your audience that a specific problem exists, it is serious, and it affects them.
Time: 6-8 minutes
Topic: Choose a topic that interests you and would probably interest your audience (the class). Consider what your audience already knows about this topic and what their attitude about this topic will be. Do not choose something the audience already knows a lot about. This topic must be presented in a persuasive manner; if the majority of your speech is informative, you will fail this speech.
- You must inform and persuade the audience of a position on a topic you have researched.
- You must identify a problem, explain several possible solutions (preferably 3 or more), and then convince your audience of the best overall solution.
- Identify the opposition, then defeat it with your position’s/view’s support.
- You must use at least one technology-based visual aid (ELMO with 2 or more pix, chart, diagram, etc…Power Point, video (YouTube or DVD/VHS), or other audio/visual aids, etc…you may use additional non-technology based visual aids if you want)
- You must prepare & type an outline, to be turned in right before you present.
- You must orally cite at least four published or copyrighted sources as support.
- You must type a Works Cited of your sources to be turned in with your outline.
- You may use no more than TWO note cards (3x5) – keywords or phrases only!
- Do NOT write out your entire speech word for word on the note cards!
*You must have teacher approval for your topic, and you will not present the same topic as another student.
**If you do not complete this speech, you will NOT receive credit for the course, regardless of your current grade.
Persuasive Problem-Solution
Where do I start?
Problem –
• Convince us the problem exists and is serious!
• Find personal stories – Visual Aids of people, places, destruction, etc…
Cited: Central Indiana Crisis Pregnancy Center. “Created for Good Works.” CICPC. Life Centers, Inc. 2005. Web. 11 May 2007. Jamison, Dr. John. “Keep the Children.” AbortionNO. Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. 2000. Web. 8 May 2007. NRLC. “Defining ‘Abortion.’” National Right To Life. National Right To Life Committee. 2007. Web. 8 May 2007 “The World Health Report – 2005.” The World Health Organization. WHO. 2005. Web. 10 May 2007.