17 May marks the anniversary of the signature of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1865 and the creation of the International Telecommunication Union. In 1973, this occasion was recognized as World Telecommunication Day. Following the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in 2005 and the 2006 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, 17 May was designated as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.
On 17 May 2010, ITU will celebrate its 145th anniversary. The global celebration of this landmark event will be held in Shanghai at World Expo 2010, which runs from 1 May until 31 October.
As the leading specialized agency of the United Nations for ICT, ITU looks towards its Members to raise awareness of the role of information and communication technologies in creating the opportunities for a better life through long-term, sustainable development, not least among the most vulnerable sections of our society. In the urban context, ICTs have increasingly dictated lifestyles and behaviour patterns and contributed to the growth of trade and commerce, improved governance and municipal services, and revolutionized entertainment through the development of rapid communications, both mobile and fixed.
At its 2009 session, ITU Council adopted the theme: “Better city, better life with ICTs” to mark World Telecommunication and Information Society Day in 2010.
The WTISD-10 theme is juxtaposed with that of the Shanghai World Expo, which is dedicated to promoting “Better Cities, Better Life” and which will showcase a number of initiatives aimed at achieving greener, safer, healthier, prosperous, inclusive and well-managed cities — where over half the world’s population resides.
ICTs provide solutions to many of the problems facing cities even as they become magnets for migrating populations as well as contribute to making them more eco-friendly and economically viable. For many city dwellers, it is nearly impossible to