Topic: Indian Classical dance (Bharatnatyam)
I.) Introduction A.) Attention Material: What comes to mind when you think about the word classical? We usually associate the word classical with something boring. But classical Indian dance, also known as Bharatnatyam is known as being an extravagant “fire” dance which was originated in Tamil Nadu, India in 1000 BC. Most classical dances in India are like theatrical performances because the dancer acts out a story almost exclusively through gestures. Most of the classical dances enact stories from Hindu mythology. B.) Tie to audience: I’m sure that some of you have experienced dance in some way. Although you might have not experienced Classical Indian dance, because there is just one other Indian girl in this class, you might have experienced going to school dances, a dance club, or any other places to dance. C.) Credibility to material: I started performing Indian Classical dance when I was about five years old and I stopped when I was about ten years old. And after those years of learning the dance, I taught my little cousins as well. D.) Preview: I will explain the history, the purpose and some aspects of Bharatnatyam dance. II.) Body A.) History: The history of a classical dance may sound boring but bare with me because before you further your understanding of the dance you first need to learn the history behind the dance. In early history bharatnayam use to be known as a smaller word, Dasiattam. It originated in a Southern Indian state called Tamil Nadu. The ‘Bha’ in bharatnatyam means expression. The ‘Ra’ means music. The ‘Nat’ means beat or rhythm. And the ‘Natyam’ means dance. A lot of ancient texts from the golden age show a variety of dances and dance traditions. In ancient times these dances were performed by Hindu dancers at Hindu temples. Many of the ancient sculptures in Hindu temples are based on Bharatnatyam dance
Cited: "Revitalising Bharatnatyam." Hindu [English] 24 July 2009. Academic OneFile. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. <http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA204405906&v=2.1&u=rock77357&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w> Pattabhiraman, Sruti. "Kala Bharati - View Article - What Is Bharatanatyam." Kala Bharati 10 December 2003. What Is Bharatanatyam. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. <http://www.kalabharati.ca/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21>. RAMAN, Sruti PATTABHI. "WHAT IS BHARATANATYAM?" Articles - WHAT IS BHARATANATYAM? - N. PATTABHI RAMAN. N.p., Sept. 2001. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. <http://www.narthaki.com/info/articles/article35.html>. *