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Unlike SAP BO 4.0 installation on Windows, Installation on UNIX like operating systems is a little complicated process, especially when you do not have root rights, and has to go and explain the “System Admin” why you need changes / new additions to libraries, kernel parameters, and environmental variables. So it will need lot of patience, discussions and planning.
I am just giving a screenshot by screenshot instruction of how to install BO4. The operating system I used is “Red hat Enterprise Linux 5.6”, although the process on all Linux / UNIX operating systems is almost same, there are some OS specific changes you may need to do on other OS like Solaris and Suse.
This Post assumes, you already completed Pre-Installation steps on your Linux / UNIX systems.
Pre-Installation Steps:-
1. Create a User Account under which Background process can run (Root access is not required, but nice to have, if you want to do system installation).
2. Create two folders, one for installation files, and one for the BO Installation and Make sure BO user has write and execute instructions.
3. Make sure you have all required Libraries installed. If not install them (Process varies from One Flavor to other).
4. Make sure all required commands/programs installed, if not install them.
5. Set the Kernel parameters as required by BO (and also DB2 if you want to use default database option).
6. Install and Configure ODBC clients and parameters if you choose not to use default database for CMS.
This is Optional: – If you have SElinux policy conflict, then you may need to change policy setting to premising or disabled config file.
Installation: -
Ok, now assuming you completed all the pre-installation steps. We now start Installation. The script for starting installation is setup.sh, this script takes Installation directory as parameter, or you can give the Installation directory at