Another Love Story From Sandra Cineros In the story “From Bien Pretty” by Sandra Cisneros, the author uses a unique style of writing to convey how great & sweet Spanish is compared to English. The whole article is about how the author believes Spanish is the great language . The way that she chosed for her storyline is unique. For example the way she compare English with Spanish, but still is very effective in portraying what she wants. While having a very effective sentence structure and word choice as the basis of her argument, she also used English and Spanish to build up her ethos, as an example
“When Flavio accidentally hammered his thumb, he never yelled “Ouch!” he said “Ay!”
(Cisneros 596), and then she trying to use the audience’s weakness for love stories to persuade her opinion upon them.
In this story the author really wants to convey how great is the Spanish in comparison to English. In her writing, She uses a bunch of really nice long descriptions appealing to the reader’s sense of pathos side to get them to really feel good about the language of Spanish. For example, “…those words smelled like your house, like flour tortillas, and the inside of your daddy’s hat…” (Cisneros 596). At the same time she then uses pathos in the other way and gives no such description about English instead makes it sound dark and unappealing. For example, “English with its starched r’s and g’s. English with its crisp linen syllables” (Cisneros 597). The uses these examples to get the reader to feel like Spanish is
free and everything you should like, while at the same time making you thing English is restricting you from saying everything you want.
Cisneros boosts her credibility in her article by not only being able to speak in English,
but in Spanish as well. This is helpful because she talks about both languages and compares them to one another and so knowing both gives her a better sense of which one is better.