and if you are against him he will be your biggest enemy and threat. He keeps the population in control by protecting them from harm like a big brother, but in reality the Government uses him to instill fear into one’s mind so that they don’t upset the Party. In a way, Big Brother helps the Party “watch” the population by paranoia of how he is constantly observing you when the telescreens are not. Many have grown to the point on the daily basis where they see him so often they won’t disobey because they fear of what he will do.
He is the face of the Party and represents the Government, yet nobody has ever seen him in person, but only in pictures. This symbolism shows how stealthy the Government is by monitoring and keeping track of every inhabitant that is living on their ground.
Early in the book, Winston started to develop hate and despise Big Brother and what he stood for. Big Brother was a big symbol for everyone to look up to and depicts the manipulation of the people. You have no choice, but to follow Big Brother and if not you will be excluded and/or reintegrate back into society anew. It shows what the Party is capable of and using him as a “weapon” against traitors. The quote,"There are three stages in your reintegration," said O'Brien. "There is learning, there is understanding, and there is acceptance," The Party requests obedience, which also includes the love and respect for Big Brother. Winston fails to meet these demands and goes through the stages of reintegration.
Big Brother influenced many people and is the Government’s tool to aid the party.
In part 3 chapter 2 it says,”does Big Brother exist?' 'It is of no importance. He exists.' 'Will Big Brother ever die?' 'Of course not. How could he die?” Winston asked questions about Big Brother O’Brien tells him he does and does not exist. He is able to become the embodiment of the party, but he can never perish. O’Brien also states,”Of course he exists. The Party exists.” Meaning as long as the Party is functioning he will always coexist with it. He is the “mask” of the Party and can be used as a scapegoat for the government. He will be the first thing that will come to your mind when you think of the Party. The posters all around the country intimidate the population and he acts as a law enforcer watching over the people using fear.
1984 had many symbols, but Big Brother stood out as the median because he depicts the regulation of the Government and the Party itself within the civilization. Without him, the government would’ve had much less power over the population and could’ve changed the way people view the Party. As a result, Big Brother heavily influenced the novel aiding the Party and establishing authority over the