Psychology of learning
Bilingual Barrier for me!
A Language Barrier From my experience, bilingual education was a disadvantage during my childhood. At the age of twelve, I was introduced into a bilingual classroom for the first time. The crowded classroom was a combination of seventh and eighth grade Spanish-speaking students, who ranged from the ages of twelve to fifteen. The idea of bilingual education was to help students who weren’t fluent in the English language. The main focus of bilingual education was to teach English and, at the same time, teach a very basic knowledge of the core subjects Mathematics, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences. I have to say that for being a person that speaks English as a second language is a barrio for me. I was not allow to speak English in my house my mom would always get upset if we did spoke English, she said we most speak it only at school and outside of the house with friends because she didn’t understand the language she said it wasn’t necessary to speak it at home. Beyond the Language Barrier Nobody’s born with the language they speak today. Everyone is born with a clean tongue that is transformed to make sounds and words that are native to their homeland and people they were raised by. Language can’t be described as a trait, like the color of your skin or the width of your shoulders. When society discriminates against individuals that speak differently, they are judging them based on how they were raised and how they were taught to speak, people don’t see them as just a person that didn’t have a choice of how they wanted to communicate, and conformed to fit into a puzzle of a whole area of people that sound the same way For me this was very hard because I only spoke English at school and had to manage with being a bilingual person, this was a big challenge for me because when I had to do homework I didn’t have the no one to ask for help so it was frustrating for me, but I was dealing with this