Bilingualism helps to increase the academic and intellectual development of the brain. It is a great ability to assimilate. When in a situation, the brain goes through a workout to resolve an internal conflict. “The key difference between bilinguals and monolinguals may be more basic: a heightened ability to monitor the environment”(Bhattacharjee, 2012). Bilingualism seems that if being bilingual is a simple life hack, then we would all be able to achieve the highest set goal. Being able to withhold more than one language is part of the brain’s executive function. Having to deal with any kind of puzzle even if it is from another country a bilingual has a better chance of solving it. It would be a better opportunity if it was learned at an earlier…
Being raised in a community where people “share certain beliefs, values, habits, customs, and norms because of their common ground” (textbook, p. 372) from rest of the world, I consider myself an ethnic person. I grew up in Nepal in which learned customs and traditions through enculturation therefore I have different native language and culture than ethnic Hispanic or white. The language and culture distinguish…
Bilingualism has become very popular within the last couple of years. It is growing into society everyday, making it second nature to some people. In fact there are actually more bilingual individuals around the world compared to monolingual, suggesting that many countries are bilingual (Bialystok et al., 2012). A bilingual individual is defined by society as being able to fluently speak two languages (Woolfolk et al., 2012). Contrastingly, a monolingual individual is defined as only being able to speak one language, which is often called the mother tongue (Woolfolk et al., 2012).…
In my opinion bilingualism plays a major role in the educational development of children. This is because research has shown that children who are fluent in their home language are more successful in learning a second language. Furthermore, being bilingual offers greater sensitivity to language, more flexibility in thinking and better ear for listening. It also improves a child’s understanding for the native language. Moreover, knowledge of other languages increases a career of opportunities offering several job options.…
The person I interviewed is Carlos Orellana. He is a Honduran who came to the United States crossing Mexico. Orellana came to the U.S.A in search of a better future for him and his family, without realizing how hard it was going to be; finding a path full of bitterness, sadness, desolation, despair and loneliness.…
In this modern era, majority of the world’s population is characterized as being bilingual. This is in most cases is manifested as a result of cross movement and interactions by people and societies which initiates the need to fit in and survive. The trend is seen as an important emerging perspective as it facilitates cross-cultural communication and positively affects cognitive abilities. Research shows that the bilingual brain can have better attention and task-switching capacities than the monolingual brain. This is manifested due to its developed ability to contain one language while using another.…
Being bilingual is a good skill to achieve your goals or to get a job and friends.…
A unique part of my family heritage and culture is the ability of speaking Spanish. Being bilingual is something that I really appreciate to have because it gives me certain advantages when it comes to applying for jobs or helping others. For example, I was doing community service and there was a woman who need assistance, but she couldn't speak English well. Fortunately, I was able to help her and I felt proud for that. Nonetheless, approximately the same situations apply in school from time to time. In conclusion, I feel pleased for this ability to speak the Spanish language.…
When it comes to the academic benefits of bilingual education amid students, it has been pointed out that grade three students who were taken through bilingual education from their kindergarten level of education did not perform in the same way Spanish-speaking students who started in English-only programs did in their class tests (Carlson &Meltzof, 2008). Spanish speaking children performed exceptionally better. However, as the same students advanced in their studies to the fifth grade, students who were subjected to bilingual education were more likely to read to the same standards or even better compared to their peers who went through English-only programs (Soderman, 2010). Bilingual education enabled individuals to read and write better in the additional languages they…
Being multilingual or bilingual is the ability to speak more than one language, for some this can be a huge advantage as it provides more diversity and therefore can be a skill that both the workforce and college admissions look at when determining the best applicants. It is no surprise that having the ability to speak more than one language can come as an advantage, however what advantages does speaking more than one language offer? Parents are often concerned that using a non-community language as the language of their home will disadvantage their children (Bialystok, 2008,p.3). However, it has been found that being bilingual is actually associated with cognitive advantages such as enhanced selective attention and advances the development…
Being bilingual is makes you more open and flexible to critical understanding and appreciating different ways of problem solving and more inspired to becoming involved. The openness of bilingualism is reflected towards society that may direct at the political rank to a better firmness.…
For my third blog entry, I had the opportunity to interview Ms. Maria, a third-grade bilingual teacher with a little over ten years of experience, and the mother of my classmate. Ms. Maria just like her students has English as her second language but began her journey at the age of seventeen. This experience allows her to be more compassionate and understanding with her students’ situations as she went through the same thing but at a later age. I personally have never been enrolled in a bilingual class so this interview was insightful to see how different my experience was compared to her students. Ortega status that “Attitudes towards the formal learning context have been shown to exert a lasting and important influence on motivation. (Ortega, 2013, page 190)” so I thought it was quite interesting that when asked what learning approach was more beneficial Ms. Maria believed that both instruction and natural learning approaches are needed to acquire a language.…
In efforts to make this country great. I would like equal opportunity for employment. I find it strange talk speaking of walls, but the required language is Spanish. One of the top job skills is (requiring) Spanish speaking, where is the balance? This is happening more so in the governmental jobs! The playing field is not equal and now I am being discriminated against because I do not speak a different language in America. The most disheartening issues, is that I may be the most qualified based on skill set, yet I am not a qualified candidate based upon language (another language). I noted that one agency (Texas CPS) Spanish speaker my receive a 6% salary increase based upon language (why). Issues such as this causes strife, hate,…
They use information in new ways, for example bilinguals can think of different words or phrases “ for each idea and object.” Bilinguals think in both languages when thinking of a new word or phrase and then choose which fits the best . People who speak and read more than one language are potentially able to communicate with more people, read more books, and benefit more fully from travel to other countries. Francois Grosjean, the author of Bilingual: Life and Reality, stated in his book than an advantage of being bilingual “are that it allows one to help others, it creates a bond with other bilinguals, and it sometimes helps to understand what others may not.” “Bilingualism is reported to foster open-mindedness, offer different perspectives of life, and reduce cultural…
Bilingual education was first initiated in 1968. It was a new means to educate the children who spoke a minority language. thirty-one years later the same problems exist for those children who speak a language other then English. The experiment of Bilingual education has been a failure and now it's time to move on. The first English only initiatives were brought forth in 1981 by newly elected president Reagan. Since then the conflict over Bilingual education has drove on. Currently twenty-three states have "English Only" laws with 4 states having laws that are pending. The issue of bilingual education and the conflict that surrounds it is primarily focused between whites and Hispanics, although since the mid 70's it's also been involved with the Chinese and Mung cultures. Bilingual education has failed however, currently the movement is towards and English only educational system. The simple fact of the matter is that people who speak a language in this country will never get ahead. We've tested the ignorant notion that you could get by without speaking English; or speaking English very minimally, but that's promoting and even more ignorant idea which is that you don't need speak English fluently to succeed in America. In 1968 we didn't know that Bilingual Education wouldn't work, however, it's time to move on and do the right thing and switch to English Only.…