Bill Clinton
William Jefferson Blythe was born on August 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas, to Virginia Blythe and named after his father, who had recently died in an auto accident. He took his stepfather’s last name Clinton, after the birth of a stepbrother. After high school Bill went to Georgetown University, University of Oxford, and Yale University Law School where he met his future wife Hillary Rodham. Clinton then became a law professor at the University of Arkansas. In 1976 he was elected state attorney general; while serving in that office he was elected as the youngest governor in Arkansas history at age 32. He then came to obtain four more terms as governor gaining a reputation as a moderate, realistic ‘New Democrat.’ In October 1991, Clinton announced that he was a candidate for the democratic nomination for president of the United States. He beat George Bush in the race for presidency and took office in January 1993. Clinton appeared confident to restore the Democrats to national dominance however it can be said that it was a false confidence due to his eventual disapproval from the country.
Rather than making large national interests his top priority, Clinton initially devoted large amounts of time to unsettling matter of gay rights within in military and appointment of women and African-Americans to highly visible posts. Equality throughout the nation is an excellent and noble thing to be devoted to however there were other pressing issues that he ignored. His popularity began to fall and then plummeted when he broke his promise to cut middle class taxes. In 1994 Clinton wanted the Congress to enact an anti-crime bill that banned assault
weapons, provide federal funds for building prisons and crime prevention methods. His decision to start initiatives to check Iraqi threat to Kuwait, to halt North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons, to further the West Asia peace process and to oust Haiti’s military dictatorship briefly lifted Clinton’s poll ratings. However