Restaurant Billing Management System
Based on:
Calculation of total bill on the basis of order placed
Abhishek Singh, RB6801B39, 10804172
Shivam Grover, RB6801B40, 10801101
Btech-ECE, Lovely Professional University
Address Submitted to: Mr.Raj Karan Singh
Lovely Professional University
I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all those people, how helped me in completing this project successfully; this work of creation wouldn’t have been possible without their kind help, cooperation and extended support.
First and foremost sincere thanks to my project guide Mr. Raj Karan SIngh, for their valuable guidance for completion of this work and also for providing the necessary facilities and support.
Also I sincerely thanks to all the faculties and coordinator, whose valuable suggestions, support and motivation provided me, required strength for accomplishment of this term paper.
-Shivam Grover, Abhishek Singh
• Introduction
• About the Billing Management System.
• Source code
• Advantages
• Programming test
• Bibliography
C++ (pronounced "See plus plus") is a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, compiled, general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as a middle-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features.[1] It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs as an enhancement to the C programming language and originally named "C with Classes". It was renamed to C++ in 1983.
C++ is widely used in the software industry, and remains one of the most popular languages ever created. Some of its application domains include systems software, application software, device drivers, embedded software, high-performance server and client applications, and