This may be through technology and social media. Technology has grown, and it is no longer for a small minority. It is one of the biggest business channels available in the entire world. Consumers are no longer passive, but active producers. Over 41% of company owners said that social media, as twitter, and Facebook delivers a “great value” to their company. Social media have gained its followers over time, and nowadays even 13-year-old people can make themselves an account on Facebook, which surrounds alcohol. The number of people who are affected by this type of marketing is enormous. Companies use social media as a target, and I think the question is, how? Social media's users are primarily teenagers, who like, shares, and follows famous pages, etc. these teenagers easily get affected by the popular flow, for example by “hashtags,” one smart way to go viral. One hashtag and the whole world have access to whatever you want to share. I do not think it all relays on the company nor the social medias, but also the government. “Social media has drawn alcohol marketing, but lacks rules protection children from the harm
This may be through technology and social media. Technology has grown, and it is no longer for a small minority. It is one of the biggest business channels available in the entire world. Consumers are no longer passive, but active producers. Over 41% of company owners said that social media, as twitter, and Facebook delivers a “great value” to their company. Social media have gained its followers over time, and nowadays even 13-year-old people can make themselves an account on Facebook, which surrounds alcohol. The number of people who are affected by this type of marketing is enormous. Companies use social media as a target, and I think the question is, how? Social media's users are primarily teenagers, who like, shares, and follows famous pages, etc. these teenagers easily get affected by the popular flow, for example by “hashtags,” one smart way to go viral. One hashtag and the whole world have access to whatever you want to share. I do not think it all relays on the company nor the social medias, but also the government. “Social media has drawn alcohol marketing, but lacks rules protection children from the harm