programs. It is very possible to eat desired foods and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Although, typically when a certain weight is achieved or a dieter loses hope, food is used as comfort. Dieters believe that if they struggle on these eating regimens for a short amount of time that they can obtain a slim figure; most fall back on usual eating habits and regain the lost weight or even more weight when the diet concludes¨(¨Diet and Weight-Loss…¨).
The people who attempt these programs are never taught to properly eat. It is either totally restrictive or an all-for-one in the kitchen. Binge eating is expected to happen if the dieters are not educated in what is right and wrong in nutrition. It is improbable to stay on a fad diet forever. Although avertisements for these programs almost advocate for obsession to them. In order for dieters on their plans to keep off the lose weight, they must consistently monitor and restrict food intake (Wells). The focus on these diets must stay constant, or it will result in the loss of all the hard work and patience that it took. A person should realize this from the beginning. No one wants to stay on a diet forever. If failure occurs in a diet, and 95% of the time diets do in the first year (¨Diet and Weight-Loss…¨), then binge eating is likely to occur. The body must be properly fed. When this many people fail, it is unbelievable how diets can still be so popular among Americans. Binge eating also occurs within people that do not have the disorder. A nutrient-deprived body will fight back with uncontrollable hunger
until a dieter succumbs. Fixing the problems that fad diets cause can be resolved by banning false advertisements that are put out into the media. This would revolutionize the idea of healthy eating habits in this society. The people that view these commercials and magazine articles about weight loss believe that these products will help them lose weight. These consumers want to read this and want to make themselves healthier, but fraudulent approaches are clouding their judgements. There were 1412 books about dieting and 483 books concerning eating disorders in the 2002 Books in Print catalog. The profitable weight loss industry has estimated income of 50 billion dollars a year (Gianoulis). All of these different books tell of different ways to be healthier. The award goes to fad diet book can come up with the better slogan. Honestly, the fact that there is an industry for weight loss displays that most of what is publicized is only for profit. These fad diet companies tell lies in order to steal money from people who are trying to better themselves. Their toxic products are useless. The advertisements of fad diets and their supplements suggest that using these products is the only way to get a toned physique. It is totally false because most of the people on fad diets want a quick fix and are not willing to do the strenuous exercise that these products are used for. For example, no thermogenic product on the market is able to boost the metabolism to the point of weight loss (¨Diet and Weight-Loss…¨). Although generally these products are expected to do all of the work; they are advertised as magic so they are perceived as the only key to health. Dieters also need to stop believing everything that they read. Although, if the deception was put to an end, then there would be more room for truth in the media. The real ways to fix and maintain a healthy path would be advertised, even though no one wants to believe it. Ridiculous lies are continuously broadcasted because it is want people want to hear. It is hard to accept, but a person must put in actual effort and change her lifestyle in order to obtain the body that she wants. Society must get rid of the fictitious media tricks and fad diets because they only benefit selfish advertisers.
Mandatory nutrition classes in elementary schools should be instated in order to teach young minds how to properly nourish their bodies. Kids are taught basics of nutrition in school, such as vegetables are good and sugar is bad, yet so many young kids struggle with obesity. The classes should cover the way the body system works and the appropriate nutrients a body needs. These students do not know when and what to eat. If kids knew the details of how their bodies functioned at a young age, it would set up for all generations to get rid of fad diets. There are so many different solutions to battle obesity, and young Americans have an opportunity to avoid the health problems associated with obesity to live healthier adult lives by making educated decisions¨ (Introduction to Can...¨).