1. a. In the first part of the exercise conducted, the abiotic factors influencing the forest and the grassland community were measured. Despite the two sites being in close range of each other, they have significant differences that set them apart from each other. Table 1.1 shows the comparison between the two communities. The four factors measured were air temperature, soil temperature, light intensity, and relative humidity. However, because of the rainy weather condition, both environments had the same 100% relative humidity. Using that parameter to compare them would be inadvisable. The forest interior and the grassland differed in the three other factors. Both air and soil temperatures in the grassland were lower than in the forest. The light intensity is significantly higher in the grassland than inside the forest. The causes of variation are mostly due to their difference in biotic components present. Forests have tall trees and layers of canopy that can intercept both sunlight and wind. Due to the blockage of sunlight by ____, the forest’s interior received only 26.18 lux while the grassland received 1028.7 lux. The colder air and soil temperature of the grassland can be attributed to the rainy weather condition at the date and time of observation, as well as its lack of organisms that can shield the area from the wind. Temperature in that site is more responsive to temperature changes. Different places/habitats/environments have different microclimates despite being under the same general climate.
1. d. In the second part of the exercise, the different biotic components were also observed in the forest interior and grassland communities. Tables 1.2a, 1.2b and 1.2 c shows the plants, animals and fungi & other organisms observed. Organisms usually thrive in environments that are suited to them, and this part of the exercise shows the difference between the two