The Tundra is the coldest of all the Biomes and being situated in the extreme north of the planet has desert like conditions. It has extremely low temperatures, poor nutrients, and short growing seasons. There is a very low precipitation of less than five inches a year which is coupled with strong, dry winds. There is a very large annual amount of snowfall in the region which surprisingly is advantageous to plant and animal life as the snow provides and insulation layer on the surface of the ground. All vegetation and wildlife living in this biome band are extremely hardy and particularly specialised to survive in the Tundras extreme weather conditions.
Typical Vegetation types are Arctic Moss, Arctic Willow, Bearberry, Caribou Moss, …show more content…
Precipitation is moderate and plenty of snow falls in the winter. Most of the vegetation is made up of Conifer trees which are particularly specialised to survive in the Taigas conditions. However due to being evergreen they don't drop their leaves into the soil leaving it nutrient starved. The majority of the wildlife migrate to warmer climates during the winter or hibernate through it. The wildlife that does stay in the Taiga during the winter have specialised adaptions including thick fur or feathers and the ability to change colour throughout the year..The Taiga inhabits huge amounts of insects hence birds migrate there to feed off these insects every year. Taiga forests are endangered due to logging and mining by humans. When trees are cut down it takes a very long time for them to regrow because due to the very short growing season there. Plants common to this biome are Needle leaf, Evergreen spruce, Fir tree, Tamarack and Scots Pine. Animals evolved to live in the Taiga are lynx, Brown bear, mink, squirrel, beaver and Grey …show more content…
These grasslands have hot summers and cold winters. Summer temperatures can be well over 100 degrees while winter temperatures can be as low as -40 degrees. They typically have between 250 and 850 mm of precipitation a year most of it occuring in the late spring and early summer. Grasses are the dominant vegetation in this biome there are few trees and shrubs due to Seasonal droughts, fires and grazing by large mammals all keep large vegetation number down. Temperate grasslands have a low diversity of wildlife, but a high abundance of wildlife. Grassland organisms generally consist of Bison, Pronghorn. Gophers, Prairie Dogs,Coyotes, Badgers and Ferrets, Grouses, Meadowlarks and