3. Oswald Avery: http://library.thinkquest.org/20830/Textbook/HistoryofDNAResearch.htm In 1944, what did he discover that DNA is responsible for? 4. Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase: http://biology.clc.uc.edu/courses/bio104/dna.htm a. In 1952, their experiments showed that ______ is the genetic material instead of ____________.
[pic] 5. Erwin Chargaff: http://www.dnai.org/timeline/index.html Watch “Chargaff’s Ratios.” Chargaff used relative proportions of bases in DNA to come up with his rules for base pairing. What are four sources of DNA that he used? http://fig.cox.miami.edu/~cmallery/150/gene/chargaff.htm Adenine (A) pairs with _____________ Guanine (G) pairs with _____________ The bases that are purines include ___________ & ____________. The bases that are pyrimidines include __________ & ____________.
6. Rosalind Franklin: http://www.accessexcellence.org/RC/AB/BC/Rosalind_Franklin.php http://www.dnai.org/timeline/index.html Watch Franklin’s X-ray diffraction pattern. What is X-ray crystallography (a.k.a. X-ray diffraction)? What did she discover about the shape of DNA?
7. Linus Pauling: